This webpage is not available

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I’ve asked DO’s support for help and they said I’ve done everything correctly and they don’t know what is causing the problem and adviced me to ask the community instead for help. I’ve done whois and ping on my domain name and it’s pointing to DO’s 3 nameservers and my droplets IP. If you can view the sites on a different. This is likely to be caused when the server needs RC4, which is no longer considered secure. If you cant see or Google, try again using a different browser (eg Internet Explorer or Google Chrome). I’ve not installed any firewalls and I’ve allowed port 80 in UFW that ships with ubuntu. This webpage is not available ERRSSLVERSIONORCIPHERMISMATCH A secure connection cannot be established because this site uses an unsupported protocol or cipher suite. The above file is also linked to from sites-enabled and the original default file link in sites-enabled has been removed. Some Website is not available for mobile or mobile version of the website is not working. Screenshot of DNS settings in DO’s control panel If the Chrome browser in the PC cannot open a certain webpage. I’ve followed all of these guides in every detail: Hopefully the cause for this webpage not available issue on your cell phone was simply a problem with your internet browsers homepage.